....a weaker US Dollar will help US emerge Stronger and Stable. As we put an additional effert in that Goal.
A Weak to A Strong to A Stable Economy (Infrastructure) ....that should be the direction.
A weaker USD...will also help in Exporting American Products. However, a weaker USA doesn't mean that Central Banks around the world wont be buying Treasuries and Investors wont be investing. It is just that the investors are diversifying and so are We! Global Market competition is growing and offcourse once there is a competition then everything is based upon performance and practicle implamation of Strategies to drive results. Results that are positive and Strategies that provide Stable and Stronger Growth from within.
The markets (Investors) know that USA contains Debit and with big failures in Banking, Mortgage, Industrial and other Major sectors of economic structure.......~!!! I guess that speaks for itself...
USA is the biggest consumer which means we import a lot...now Strategies have to be implemented differently as the market trend changes. All the stimulus pumped in for growth will help but only if the Positive results are and can be derived. Plus, Results will imerge with time as we see the practical Implementaion of Strategies by our new Administration. A very tough time for USA as we stumble from within....but be cautious we are hitting the bottom after a free fall...which will be leading to a consolidation period.
So Greenback stays weaker as others keep providing (projecting) a strong competition.
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